Construct Hokkaido

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Supernova Furano to Build a Condominium Building in Furano

2021年01月06日 09時00分

Supernova Furano GK (Tokyo) is planning to build a new condominium building, tentatively named KOA HOUSE FURANO, in Furano City. Hokkaido Tracks Development (Kutchan) will be in charge of management. The contractor is yet to be decided, and construction is expected to start in July 2021.

The building, with eight above-ground floors and one basement floor, will be a reinformed concrete structure with some additional steel-framed sections, and the total area will be 6,677 m2. The construction period is scheduled from July 1, 2021 to October 1, 2022. ND Studio will be in charge of the design.

The construction site covers an area of 7,110 m2, which spans Furano 1976-3 and Kitanominecho 1973-12 in Furano. It will be adjacent to the west side of the social welfare facility, Mutual Support Center Lavender no Sato. Land development was completed by Iwata Chizaki.

The representative of Hokkaido Tracks Development said, “We are planning to hold a briefing session for residents around the construction site in the future, so we cannot give details now.”

In recent years, foreign investors have been planning to build new condominiums in the Kitanomine area for wealthy overseas buyers against the backdrop of increased sightseeing in Furano’s lavender fields and powder snow that could compete with that in Niseko.

(Excerpt from an article on December 18, 2020)

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