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List Development now in the Process of Developing Villa Lots in Soga, Niseko

2023年10月25日 09時00分

List Development (4-47 Onoe-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama), a company handling the planning and development of condominiums, plans to develop villa lots for sale in the Soga area of Niseko. The development area involves 15 lots on a total area of 2.4 ha. Actual land development is expected to begin in the spring of 2024.

The total 24,167 m2 area includes 310-1 Soga, a lot stretching in a northerly direction from the intersection of the Iwanai-Toya and Rankoshi-Niseko-Kutchan prefectural roads. Each lot will cover an area of approximately 1,000 m2, with a maximum area of roughly 1,600 m2. The water supply source will be groundwater, sewage will be handled by septic tanks, and a road connecting to the Rankoshi-Niseko-Kutchan road will be constructed.

Christopher’s (headquartered in Tokyo) is responsible for the overall design, including the plots and plantings, while TAGAMI PLANNING (headquartered in Sapporo) is in charge of the licensing procedures. An application for development action is scheduled for the end of October 2023.

Once a land development contractor has been decided, it will only be necessary to wait for the snow to melt before work can start to prevent sediment and polluted water from running off the land. Completion of the land development is slated for the end of November 2024.

The lots will be sold with building conditions, and land purchasers can each select the architect, etc. of their choice to build a villa. Construction is expected to begin as early as spring 2025.

(Excerpt from an article on October 18, 2023)

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